Getting Through the Pandemic


Within days of my husband accepting a new job that would require us to move over 3800 km across Canada, the pandemic hit.  Suddenly, things got more complicated in being left alone to try to sell a house, and not being able to go and look for a new home because of the self-isolation rules.  As a result, we have spent the last 4 months in an Airbnb with all our belongings in storage and living out of suitcases while looking for a house to buy.

 At the beginning of the pandemic, I continued going to work every day, as my job was considered an essential service. My deck became my haven, as I could have a couple of close friends over (my “bubble”) to sit outside and social distance.  The hardest part was not being able to spend our last months with the church family I was going to be leaving and likewise not being able get to know our new church family here during lockdowns.

 Since arriving in our new location, we have been able to make up for the time spent apart by having to self-isolate together in our small Airbnb.  I think I have done about 15 jigsaw puzzles to keep myself sane while my husband is on Zoom meetings. We also found a way to play some games online with our family.  But most important, is being able to spend more time for my devotions has really turned this pandemic into a blessing.

Written by Cyndi Miller:  Her husband is the president in the Maritime Conference in Canada