Inspired to Inspire

Ministerial Spouse Leaders Guide


Welcome to your resource, union and conference ministerial spouse leaders of the North American Division. Though you be few in number – approximately 70 of you - you be mighty! (Shakespeare can’t hear this misquote but God can and knows that it isn’t an exaggeration!)

New Ministry
Ministry to spouses of pastors, called Shepherdess International, began in 1983 when the General Conference (GC) commissioned Marie Spangler and Ellen Bresee to work with ministry spouses worldwide. At the 1988 GC Fall Council it was officially voted that Shepherdess International be recognized as part of the Ministerial Association. Ellen Bresee was appointed to serve as the leader. After that, the ministry spread quickly to other divisions.[1] In 2019 an official action of the GC Ministerial Association changed the name from Shepherdess International to Ministerial Spouses Association. A similar was taken in 2011 by the NAD with the approval of the GC Shepherdess leader. Compared with other ministries, this is a young ministry.

What is this Resource?
This electronic guide is a collection of articles, videos, and downloadable activities prepared by a diverse group of people on topics identified by wide consultation. Check out the coaching program that Florida Conference set up for its ministerial spouses, the sample letter to new pastoral spouses, or a detailed Spa program that includes a four-station prayer experience with beautiful downloadable poster graphics. Explore a simple Diversity/Listening activity, or the many short, professionally-written and filmed videos with discussion questions to stimulate conversation among your spouses.

Free and Convenient to Find
Since most of you are not being compensated for your time commitment to this ministry, nor have a large budget, we are delighted to offer this electronic resource FREE to you and invite you to download and photocopy anything that will benefit your ministry. We just ask that you give the authors credit for their material and that you tell some fellow conference ministerial leaders that they also can get this resource and others at our website:

Something we all have in common is that we want our ministries to be Spirit-led. We at the NAD Ministerial Department believe that your special gift is the Mighty Counselor, Who is poised ready to inspire you so you can inspire those that you are called to serve. God’s blessing on you as you take up His challenge!
