Let's play detective


Philippians 4:19 is a verse that has many layers. “And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” 

Some use this text spiritually with the idea that God has supplied Jesus for our salvation, this is true and he is all we need. However, the verse before speaks of God supplying earthly resources. “I have all I need and more, now that I have received your gifts from Epaphroditus.” Paul is thanking the Philippians for supplying what he needed for ministry. I want to note a couple of other things about this text. First it says “God will”…that is a done deal. It happens whether we recognize it or not, because God is God. The second is that God supplies from his resources (His glorious riches) and heaven’s resources are unlimited.  

It is easy to see the God’s big provisions. The ones that come when there is no earthly way you could meet your own need. However, often He provides the little ones too. When you really do have the resources, but He kind of steps in and says, I’ve gotcha. I try to act like a detective and notice throughout my day the places God has stepped in and provided just what I need – when I need it. I want to be able to thank Him for it. The truth is the more I notice and thank the more often it happens. I want to tell you about one of the times that happened this week.  

I have a young friend who has a birthday today and I wanted to get something for her. As I tried to think of something, I realized that every kid can use money. So, I wanted to put $30.00 in a card for her. Now, I don’t use cash – but I knew I had a 20 in my purse. But I didn’t have a 10 to make $30 and I wanted to give her $30. I knew I had a birthday card because I had bought it back in November for a friend and never got the card together with a message, stamp and the post office so it was still in my office – and it was perfect. In the back of my mind all week. I tried to figure out a time I could get to an ATM and then get the correct cash to make $30.00. My weeks are scheduled pretty tightly and I couldn’t think of a time I would be running around town before I needed to get it to her. Well, God provided the $10.00 – I want to tell you about it. Our daughter, Stephanie came into town late Wednesday night for a Thursday appointment. When she got here I was getting the card out to write on it and I asked if she had any change. She said, “No, I don’t think so.” I said, “I just need a $10.00 bill. I will have to go try to get change.” She laughed and said, “I have $10.00. Just before I left home tonight, I asked Doug if he had any cash. He pulled out several bills and tried to give me a large one. I said no, I just want the 10.00 I am hungry and want to stop at Taco Bell and hate to use my card for small amounts.” So, she took the 10.00, leaving the large ones, put it in her pocket and left town. By the time she got to the Taco Bell in Oak Harbor and ordered she had forgotten all about the cash and paid with her credit card. So, she had the 10.00 I needed for the card.  God does things like this all the time, but we miss so many of them, or excuse them as coincidences. I want to invite you to know God will provide your needs and then to play detective and look for them, recognize them, and thank Him. So, if my young friend reads this, she will know her birthday money came from God, by way of Stephanie. 

Play detective with me this next week – it’s fun! 

By Pr. Buffy Halvorsen from North Pacific Union Conference.