Trusting and delighting

in God Exercises


Campbell Page is a chaplain and teacher at Kingsway College in Oshawa, Ontario. He has a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary and is a certified chaplain with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care.

Reflect on the questions below in your journal or other paper:

1. How do you think a person who has learned to wait on God, delight in God, and be still before God would be different from others?

2. Which word or phrase in verses 1-11 is most meaningful to you? Why?

3. What does that tell you about how you want to connect with God?

Sit in a quiet place and read the following verses:

The LORD your God is with you,

He is mighty to save.

He will take great delight in you,

He will quiet you with his love,

He will rejoice over you with singing.

(Zephaniah 3:17)

a) What song would you like God to sing over you?

b) What song would you like to sing to God to show your delight in Him?

Go for a walk and in some way delight in God at the same time. Don’t try too hard or worry about doing it perfectly. Just try it. When your mind wanders, pull it back gently to God’s goodness in your life.

Read Psalm 37:1-11
This psalm shows concrete ways of trusting God: delighting in Him, waiting, and being still.